Thursday, April 5, 2012

Resized Image

Mrs. Choplin, I finished the resizing-picture thing. Hope you like it as much as I do ;D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Testing HTML

The Varsity Girls Basketball Team is travelling to Rocky Mount, NC for the first round in the State Tournament. The tournament begins today and lasts through this weekend to determine the state champions for the season. We wish our team good luck and safe travel! For more information, email

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Phishing Scams: Setting the Hook on Facebook!

Phishing is one of the most common types of scams. Scammers phish so they can gain access to one's security information, money, or even to find personal information like a street address. Phishing can be attempted in multiple shapes and forms, which is why it can be so hard to avoid it. The scammer can pretend to be somone else, such as an old friend, a loved one, or sometimes a random person and acquire information from the person being scammed. Another method would be for the scammer to send someone an email saying either they've won a lot of money, or offer a deal that's too good to pass up. When the computer user enters in their credit card number or other personal information, the scammer can then use this information for themselves.

Because of the several phishing attacks that have occurred over the years, laws concerning it have been made in the past few years. Congress signed a law, called the Anti-Phishing Act of 2004, which made it illegal to host fraud websites, or to scam others in any other way by phishing. If a person is convicted of phishing, he can be fined up to $250,000 on top of being sent to prison for up to five years. In my opinion, however, only $250,000 should not be sufficient. Especially when one's identity is taken from a phishing scam and how long it takes them to clear up all of the fraudulence.

A Fisher can be caught by Federal agencies that track fraudelent or by being reported by a victim or somone who has caught them. The FTC or Federal Trade Commission, is a main component of stopping the phishers, as well as many other internet fraudulents and scams. Phishing is a serious internet scam, and can be punished very harshly.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises Rumors

The Dark Knight Rises Rumors is a blog about the new Dark Knight movie, supposedly coming out in 2012. The Blog has many features to it such as many different sections and a matching background and banner. I really like how the blogger uses pictures, videos, and his use of background. It causes the blog to have a certain erie feel to it.

This is a trailer for the upcoming movie: Dark Knight Rises